Get in touch now! Call us at: 1-857-366-7130
Partnerships build better firms, help more clients, and earn more revenue
We hope you enjoyed your copy of Profit First for Lawyers. Thank you for taking the time to reach out and find out more about us. Understanding some of the concepts within the book may be new and may not be a fit for you. But, the one that we hope sticks out is the ability to create better firms through building networks and creating collaboration through our different practice areas.
Candidly, we are looking for people to think of us when they come to know someone who may need our help.
And, likewise, we hope that we can refer to you people who need the services you provide.
What We Do
We help Veterans of the U.S. military, and their dependents and survivors,
obtain from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs the disability compensation payments they were promised, earned, and deserve.
That’s what we do. We hold VA accountable to the promise the government made to compensate veterans for the current disabilities they suffer that were caused by their military service.
We do it because Todd M. Wesche, the founder and managing member of Vetus Legal, is a disabled veteran. It angers him when fellow Veterans are improperly denied the benefits they are entitled to – the benefits that could provide a better quality of life for themselves and their families. Their sacrifices of mind and body for our country should be recognized and compensated justly, as they were promised by the government.
The VA system is incredibly complicated, and Todd and his team want to help as many Veterans as possible win their claims and for VA to keep its promise to them. While veterans can and do win claims without professional help, some Veterans need the expertise of an attorney to navigate the unnecessarily complex system successfully. The process can be especially difficult for those suffering because their disabilities make it that much harder for them to do these types of things. We ease their burden.
As you may appreciate from your own practice, Veterans and their families are everywhere. They need many kinds of legal services. If they have a disability that VA does not currently compensate appropriately, they may be entitled to more cash in their pocket – federal tax free – from VA monthly.
What would that do for them? It could help:
• resolve or reduce financial stress
• fund a better quality of life
• provide funds for retirement and for their estate
• provide money to pay for child support or alimony
…and any number of other issues that money can help solve!
Schedule time with me
What’s In It For You?
More business. More revenue and hopefully more profits. And perhaps more importantly, you’ll look great to your client.
How? Because you show that you care about them and think about their needs beyond the sole reason they contacted you. And you have a relationship with a firm that can help them with that. Who looks good? You do! And they’ll likely want to refer others to you too.
Also, in our practice, we often hear of veterans who complain about family issues that money may not be able to solve. We would love to refer them to someone who can help them solve that problem too.
Some veterans we help may also obtain a large retroactive award and need help planning their estate now that they have the resources to fund an estate. (Some clients have been awarded 6- and 7-figure retroactive compensation!)
How Can We Make This Happen?
This is just the beginning. We would love to speak with you to see if we are a good fit for each other.
When we chat, we would love to learn more about your practice so that we can identify just the right people you can help. And you can learn about the people we can help. It doesn’t help anyone to refer people you can’t, or don’t want to, help.
Please use this link to schedule a meeting with Todd at a convenient time for you.
Want to Learn More?
You can review our Pitch Deck here:
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